How to move marker on gmsmapview in google sdk ios -
i want move marker on basis of lat,long i'm getting continously i'm doing below...
- (void)locationmanager:(cllocationmanager *)manager didupdatelocations (nsarray<cllocation *> *)locations { cllocationcoordinate2d coor2d = cllocationcoordinate2dmake(longitude, latitude); self.marker.position = coor2d; }
the method updating lat long markers not moving why... in info.plist have added..
try this, assuming have set delegate:
- (void)locationmanager:(cllocationmanager *)manager didupdatelocations (nsarray<cllocation *> *)locations { cllocationcoordinate2d coor2d = cllocationcoordinate2dmake(longitude, latitude); self.marker.position = coor2d; [self.mapview animatetolocation:coord2d.coordinate] }
if you're trying update current location. should use kvo that.
@implementation mylocationviewcontroller { gmsmapview *mapview_; bool firstlocationupdate_; } - (void)viewdidload { [super viewdidload]; gmscameraposition *camera = [gmscameraposition camerawithlatitude:-33.868 longitude:151.2086 zoom:12]; mapview_ = [gmsmapview mapwithframe:cgrectzero camera:camera]; mapview_.settings.compassbutton = yes; mapview_.settings.mylocationbutton = yes; // listen mylocation property of gmsmapview. [mapview_ addobserver:self forkeypath:@"mylocation" options:nskeyvalueobservingoptionnew context:null]; self.view = mapview_; // ask location data after map has been added ui. dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ mapview_.mylocationenabled = yes; }); } - (void)dealloc { [mapview_ removeobserver:self forkeypath:@"mylocation" context:null]; } #pragma mark - kvo updates - (void)observevalueforkeypath:(nsstring *)keypath ofobject:(id)object change:(nsdictionary *)change context:(void *)context { if (!firstlocationupdate_) { // if first location update has not yet been recieved, jump // location. firstlocationupdate_ = yes; cllocation *location = [change objectforkey:nskeyvaluechangenewkey]; = [gmscameraposition camerawithtarget:location.coordinate zoom:14]; } } @end
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