python - How to advance iteration while inside an iterator spreadsheet rows -
i need advance iteration of rows read , excel spreadsheet while still inside iterator loop.
try: r in range(insheet.nrows): cdat = insheet.cell(r, 0).value if not cdat == xlrd.empty_cell.value: if hasnumbers(cdat): #strip digits client pneumonic #pdb.set_trace() if re.sub(r'\d','',cdat) == clntid: #pdb.set_trace() #this call belongs client memid = cdat fincallblock = true while fincallblock: #output line formatted callheader #inc row counter can't ==> next(r) cdat = cdat.strip(insheet.cell(r, 0).value) if cdat == u"call resolved": pdb.set_trace() fincallblock = false
the code crashes marked with:
-> next(r) (pdb++) n typeerror: 'int object not iterator'
and cannot find out how it.
you can assign range
variable , advance it
myrange = iter(range(insheet.rows)) r in myrange: ... next(myrange)
of course range
works way in python 3. if still under python 2 xrange
beware r
value not change unless not advance iterator assign ouput of r
r = next(myrange)
you should cath potential stopiteration
exception may raised when advancing range
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