java - How to add a client using JDBC for ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer in Spring? -

i have in memory thing working follows:

@override public void configure(clientdetailsserviceconfigurer clients) throws exception {          clients.inmemory()                .withclient("clientapp")                .authorizedgranttypes("password", "refresh_token")                .authorities("user")                .scopes("read", "write")                .resourceids(resource_id)                .secret("123456"); } 

i use jdbc implementation. this, have created following tables (using mysql):

-- tables oauth token store  create table oauth_client_details (   client_id               varchar(255) primary key,   resource_ids            varchar(255),   client_secret           varchar(255),   scope                   varchar(255),   authorized_grant_types  varchar(255),   web_server_redirect_uri varchar(255),   authorities             varchar(255),   access_token_validity   integer,   refresh_token_validity  integer,   additional_information  varchar(4096),   autoapprove             tinyint );  create table oauth_client_token (   token_id          varchar(255),   token             blob,   authentication_id varchar(255),   user_name         varchar(255),   client_id         varchar(255) );  create table oauth_access_token (   token_id          varchar(255),   token             blob,   authentication_id varchar(255),   user_name         varchar(255),   client_id         varchar(255),   authentication    blob,   refresh_token     varchar(255) );  create table oauth_refresh_token (   token_id       varchar(255),   token          blob,   authentication blob );  create table oauth_code (   code           varchar(255),   authentication blob ); 

do need manually add client in mysql tables?

i tried this:

clients.jdbc(datasource).withclient("clientapp")                .authorizedgranttypes("password", "refresh_token")                .authorities("user")                .scopes("read", "write")                .resourceids(resource_id)                .secret("123456"); 

hoping spring insert correct things in tables, not seem that. why can further chain after jdbc() ?

please fallow steps:

  1. put schema.sql inside resource folder detected springboot once start server. if don't use spring boot no worries import script mysql app client (phpmyadmin,heidisql,navicat..)

    drop table if exists oauth_client_details; create table oauth_client_details ( client_id varchar(255) primary key, resource_ids varchar(255), client_secret varchar(255), scope varchar(255), authorized_grant_types varchar(255), web_server_redirect_uri varchar(255), authorities varchar(255), access_token_validity integer, refresh_token_validity integer, additional_information varchar(4096), autoapprove varchar(255) ); drop table if exists oauth_client_token; create table oauth_client_token ( token_id varchar(255), token long varbinary, authentication_id varchar(255) primary key, user_name varchar(255), client_id varchar(255) ); drop table if exists oauth_access_token; create table oauth_access_token ( token_id varchar(255), token long varbinary, authentication_id varchar(255) primary key, user_name varchar(255), client_id varchar(255), authentication long varbinary, refresh_token varchar(255) ); drop table if exists oauth_refresh_token; create table oauth_refresh_token ( token_id varchar(255), token long varbinary, authentication long varbinary ); drop table if exists oauth_code; create table oauth_code ( code varchar(255), authentication long varbinary ); drop table if exists oauth_approvals; create table oauth_approvals ( userid varchar(255), clientid varchar(255), scope varchar(255), status varchar(10), expiresat timestamp, lastmodifiedat timestamp ); drop table if exists clientdetails; create table clientdetails ( appid varchar(255) primary key, resourceids varchar(255), appsecret varchar(255), scope varchar(255), granttypes varchar(255), redirecturl varchar(255), authorities varchar(255), access_token_validity integer, refresh_token_validity integer, additionalinformation varchar(4096), autoapprovescopes varchar(255) );
  2. inject datasource, authenticationmanager,userdetailsservice inside othorizationserver

    @autowired private myuserdetailsservice userdetailsservice; @inject private authenticationmanager authenticationmanager; @autowired private datasource datasource;
  3. you need create 2 beans

    @bean public jdbctokenstore tokenstore() { return new jdbctokenstore(datasource); } @bean protected authorizationcodeservices authorizationcodeservices() { return new jdbcauthorizationcodeservices(datasource); }

    , please don't forget @configuration on top of authorizationserver class

  4. configure clients apps created in mysql database: clients.jdbc(datasource).withclient("clientapp") .authorizedgranttypes("password", "refresh_token") .authorities("user") .scopes("read", "write") .resourceids(resource_id) .secret("123456");

    you've done this.

  5. the important thing ( , think forgot ..) is: configure endpoints authorizationserverendpointsconfigurer:

    endpoints.userdetailsservice(userdetailsservice) .authorizationcodeservices(authorizationcodeservices()).authenticationmanager(this.authenticationmanager).tokenstore(tokenstore()).approvalstoredisabled();

and that's man , should work ;)

and feel free ask more... i'll happy

i have sent message tweeter !


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