css - C# WebBrowser: draw circle? -

i'm writing 1 simple visualisation app , have 1 little problem: webbrowser.version returns build: 9600 major: 11 , despite can't use modern css3 features draw circle. below html code , output get. tried various methods found on google , nothing seems work. deleted unnecessary code, left part not working in webbrowser.

oh, btw, works when opened in standalone ie. tried `border-radius: 50%

here image of get

<!doctype html>  <html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>     <meta charset="utf-8" />     <title>main window</title>     <style>         .circle {             border-radius: 10px;             width: 20px;             height: 20px;             background: blue;         }     </style> </head> <body>     <div class="circle"></div> </body> </html> 

this because webbrowser class emulates ie , therefore have hkey setting version of ie used in emulation.

below couple of suggestions or alternatives.

meta tag

<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=10" /> 

add above html , try , force browser show content in ie10.

hkey change on machine

find below hkey's

hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\internet explorer\main\featurecontrol\feature_browser_emulation  hkey_local_machine\software\wow6432node\microsoft\internet explorer\main\featurecontrol\feature_browser_emulation 

and change or add app values so

feature_browser_emulation "myappname.exe"=10000 

hkey change in code

to same above within code, use following:

registrykey registrybrowser = registry.localmachine.opensubkey            (@"software\microsoft\internet explorer\main\featurecontrol\feature_browser_emulation", true);         registrybrowser.setvalue("myappname.exe", 10000, registryvaluekind.dword);  
