php - Is it possible to do relationship eager loading in a DB query with laravel? -

i wondered if possible create db query , build query similar approach way eager loading works laravel eloquent.

i have query in controller gets offers relationship point days , venue. models follows:

day model:

use illuminate\database\eloquent\model;  class day extends model {     /**      * offer days offer.      */      protected $fillable = ['start_time','end_time'];      public function offers()     {          return $this->belongstomany('app\offer');     } } 

my offer model:

namespace app;  use illuminate\database\eloquent\model; use illuminate\database\eloquent\softdeletes;  use db;  class offer extends model {     /**      * database table used model.      *      * @var string      */      use softdeletes;      protected $table = 'offers';      protected $dates = ['deleted_at'];     /**      * attributes mass assignable.      *      * @var array      */     protected $hidden  = ['map_location', 'regular', 'name'];     protected $fillable = ['id','venue_id','type_id','day', 'venue_address','is_featured','repeater_days','image', 'venue_description', 'offer_headline','offer_subheader','offer_terms','venue_phone_number','venue_website', 'venue_name', 'venue_headline','venue_description','venue_latitude','venue_longitude','offer_when','offer_end_time','offer_start_time','offer_start_date','offer_end_date','featured_date','current_time','current_date'];     public static $rules = array(         'image' => 'image|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,bmp,gif,svg'     );     protected $casts = [         'is_featured' => 'boolean',         'is_regular' => 'boolean',         'offer_when' => 'array'     ];     /**      * offers offer.     */     public function days()     {          return $this->belongstomany('app\day','day_offer', 'offer_id', 'day_id');     }      public function types()     {          return $this->belongstomany('app\type', 'offer_type');     }      public function venue()     {          return $this->belongstomany('app\venue', 'offer_venue', 'offer_id', 'venue_id');     }   } 

my venue model:

namespace app;  use illuminate\database\eloquent\model; use illuminate\database\eloquent\softdeletes; class venue extends model {     //     use softdeletes;      protected $table = 'venues';      protected $dates = ['deleted_at'];      protected $fillable = ['id','address','description','phone_number','website','name', 'headline','lat','lng','days'];      public static $rules = array(         'name' => ''     );      protected $casts = [         'lat' => 'float(10,8)',         'lng' => 'float(11,8)'     ];      public function offers()     {         return $this->belongsto('app\offer','offer_venue');     }  } 

i want each relationship , load results query have main object , relationships so:

enter image description here

the problem looks great , works , eloquent simple cannot further more complex things on like:

"getting distance venue , loading offers based on distance of venue haversine formula used."

this require query , in ideal world distance in main returned offer object on every offer not within venue[] relationship:

$radius = '10000'; $query->having('distance', '<', $radius); $query->orderby('distance', 'desc'); 

where becoming stuck not know how write proper db query see in image above want , can "offers based on location" , order them.

i have started eloquent query below:

public function indexall(offer $offer)     {          $mytime = carbon::now('europe/london');         $time = $mytime->format('h:i');         $timeint = $this->hourmintointeger($time);         $today = $mytime->format('m/d/y');         $day = strtolower($mytime->format('l'));         $tomorrow = strtolower(carbon::now()->addday(1)->format('l'));          // $offers = offer::all();         //$haversine = db::raw('3959 * acos( cos( radians(37) ) * cos( radians( $offer ) ) * cos( radians( $offer ) - radians(-122) ) + sin( radians(37) ) * sin( radians( $offer ) ) ) distance');         $offerswithdays = offer::with([                 'days' => function($alldays){                     $alldays->select('id','day');                 },                 'venue' => function($query){                     $query->select('lat','lng','address','description','phone_number','website','name', 'headline')                         ->addselect(db::raw('3959 * acos( cos( radians(37) ) * cos( radians( lat ) ) * cos( radians( lng ) - radians(-122) ) + sin( radians(37) ) * sin( radians( lat ) ) ) distance')                     );                 }             ])             ->get();          $response = [             'now' => [],             'later' => [],             'tomorrow' => [],             'featured' => []         ];          // validoffers offers fall within stuff         foreach ($offerswithdays $offerall) {             $relation = $offerall->days()->get();             $relationvenues = $offerall->venue();             //var_dump($relation);             $thedays = array();             foreach ($relation $theday) {               $thedayobj = $theday->day;               array_push($thedays,$thedayobj);             }             extract($thedays);              if ($offerall->is_featured) {                 $response['featured'][] = $offerall;             }             if (in_array($day,$thedays) && $offerall->offer_start_time < $time) {                 $response['now'][] = $offerall;             }             if (in_array($day,$thedays) && $offerall->offer_start_time > $time) {                 $response['later'][] = $offerall;             }             if (in_array($tomorrow,$thedays)) {                 $response['tomorrow'][] = $offerall;             }         }         return $response;     } 

what know code have created in eloquent done normal db query joins , selects in it?
