sorting an internal GenericRelation field in Django -

i have model item with:

class item(models.model):     comments = generic.genericrelation(comment)     ... 

my comment model :

class comment(models.model):     """     comment object model want integrate comment engine     """     content_type = models.foreignkey(contenttype)     object_id = models.positiveintegerfield()     content_object = generic.genericforeignkey('content_type', 'object_id')     comment = models.textfield(max_length=512)     user = models.foreignkey( user )     created_date = models.datetimefield(auto_now_add=true) 

in templete have , set in templete context items item.objects.all():

{% item in items %}       {%for comment in item.comments.all %}           <p> comment.comment</p>      {%endfor%} {%endfor%} 

what comments sorted created_date per item. how can set how sort internal genericrelation?

use model's meta class

class comment(models.model):     # attrs     class meta:         ordering = ['created_date'] 

or use manager verbose in case

class commentmanager(models.manager):     def get_queryset(self):         return super(commentmanager, self).get_queryset().order_by('created_date')   class comment(models.model):     # attrs     objects = commentmanager() 

more on managers across relationships:
