go - TimeZone to Offset? -

i want offset in seconds specified time zone. tz_offset() in perl's time::zone does: "determines offset gmt in seconds of specified timezone".

is there way of doing in go? input string has time zone name and that's it, know go has loadlocation() in time package, string => offset or location => offset should fine.

input: "mst"

output: -25200

here code, calculates current offset between local , specified timezones. agree ainar-g's comment offset makes sense relation specified moment in time:

package main  import (     "fmt"     "time" )  func main() {     loc, err := time.loadlocation("mst")     if err != nil {         fmt.println(err)     }      := time.now()     _, destoffset := now.in(loc).zone()     _, localoffset := now.zone()      fmt.println("offset:", destoffset-localoffset) } 
