How to get the ip address of VM and use it to configure SSH connection dynamically in Ansible -

i trying ip address of vm , trying use establish ssh vm. following script:

--- - hosts: localhost   become: yes   connection: local   gather_facts: false   serial: 1    vars_files:     - createvmvars.yml    tasks:     - name: gathering vm info.       vsphere_guest:         vcenter_hostname: "{{vcenter_hostname}}"         username: "{{vcenter_username}}"         password: "{{vcenter_password}}"         guest: "{{guest_name}}"         vmware_guest_facts: yes       register: var      - debug: msg="{{var.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0]}}"      - name: establishing ssh connection.       script: /home/shasha/devops/scripts/ "{{var.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0]}}" 

following content of :

#!/bin/sh ssh-keygen -t rsa ssh-copy-id $1 

but when running playbook, getting following error while executing third task:

error! 'var' undefined

but debug module(second task) printing ip address.

what can possible problem or can done way ?

you should list version of ansible you're using best help. answer question, need quote whole command string:

 - name: establishing ssh connection.    script: "/home/shasha/devops/scripts/ {{var.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0]}}" 

this should fix undefined variable issue.

that said you're doing won't work because assuming newly provisioned vm, ssh-copy-id going prompt password can login , newly created (possibly) pub key added authoized_keys. assuming know ssh password new vm here's suggest.

1 - facts vm

2 - dynamically add host inventory using add_host. using ip got fact gathering. make sure add ansible_ssh_password can login without being prompted.

- add_host: name="{{guest_name}}" ansible_ssh_host="{{var.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0]}}" ansible_ssh_pass="{{guest_password}}" groups=dynamic_hosts 

use built-in ansible modules move public key over (for future playbook use), copy , execute them in shell. example next play like:

- hosts: dynamic_hosts   tasks:   - name: move on public key     authorized_key: user=foo key="{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"   - name: copy on script files     copy: src=scripts/{{item}} dest=scripts/{{items}}     with_items:     - foo.bash     -     -    - name: run script files     shell: "scripts/{{item}}"     with_items:     - foo.bash     -     - 


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