batch file - yammer data export using windows code -

i try export data using data_export_api_code_1_windows

my reference link :

i'm using verified admin privilege account

i create .bat file , copy script on replace <access token> admin token , <directory> directory path files placed.

and install wget windows , update path environment variable include gnu bin path.

i'm using windows 10

but when run .bat open console , close without change , when try run cmd show image

.bat file execute result on cmd

-ca-certificatei discover windows code in yammer reference incorrect , has mistakes. correct mistakes in code , execute, run , download files. correct code after fixing

@echo off set at=<oauth access token> set dir=<export path> set exportsince=<datetime in iso- 8601 [2016-02-13t00:00:00z]>  cd %dir% setlocal enabledelayedexpansion ::preform next export. send oauth 2 access token , store time of export in filename. set file_name=<[myfilename].zip> set auth_header=authorization: bearer %at% set api_url= if not exist cacert.pem ( wget ) echo downloading.. wget -o %file_name% -t 1 --header "%auth_header%" -ca-certificate cacert.pem %api_url%?since=%exportsince%^&include=csv echo finish download 


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