java - How do I have my method execute at a specific date/time? -
right have method (correctly) updates label on gui count down user input form text box:
private void bendstopcounter() throws awtexception { thread counter = new thread() { public void run() { // timeaway user input int in miliseconds, hence conversion (int i=(int)(timeaway/1000); i>0; i=i-1) { updategui(i,lblbendingstoptimer); try {thread.sleep(1000);} catch(interruptedexception e) {}; } } public void updategui(final int i, final label lblbendingtimer) { display.getdefault().asyncexec(new runnable() { public void run() { lblbendingtimer.settext("time until bending stops: " + i/60 + " minutes , " + i%60 + " seconds."); } }); } }; counter.start(); }
this listener button logic on gui. parses date/time form , (correctly) executes logic bendingcontroller class something:
private void addbendinglistener() { executebendingbutton.addselectionlistener(new selectionadapter() { @override public void widgetselected(selectionevent e) { system.out.println("bending has started! lolool"); //grabs ui values , pass them controller int day = datetimedmy.getday(); int month = datetimedmy.getmonth(); int year = datetimedmy.getyear(); int hour = datetimehms.gethours(); int minute = datetimehms.getminutes(); int second = datetimehms.getseconds(); date date = parsedate(day, month, year, hour, minute, second); try { system.out.println("waiting " + date + " happen..."); timeaway = long.parselong(timeawayinminutes.gettext()); timeaway = timeunit.minutes.tomillis(timeaway); timer.schedule(new bendercontroller(timeaway,cursormoveincrement), date); timeaway = timeunit.milliseconds.tomillis(timeaway); bendstopcounter(); } catch (exception exc) { messagedialog.openerror(shell, "error", "hey, jerkwad, see 2 friggin' textboxs? yeah, put valid numbers in them next time, asshole!"); return; } } }); }
my bug if user chooses start date/time anytime in future, counter starts counting down execute button pressed. bendercontroller class logic execute @ specific time, because extending timertask , using schedule() method seen above. want bendstopcounter() method use similar , start executing @ same time chosen date/time.
you use library quartz this. easy use , can use cron syntax easy find information on can make specific schedules.
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