java - Dynamically change Tab UIID not working properly in codenameone -
i using tab in 1 of form.
if error occurred while saving form tab color should change.
code have used below:
for(integer tabindex: errortabindex){ if(index==0){ tabs.setselectedindex(tabindex); } button c = (button) tabs.gettabscontainer().getcomponentat(tabindex); c.setuiid("tab_button_error"); c.repaint(); index++; }
this code set new uiid when click on tab instead of stick on new uiid style, reset previous uiid style.
tab buttons used have 2 separate styles selected , unselected. later consolidated tabs behave single toggle button (radio button) 1 thing remained call setuiid
implicitly made restore original "tab" style. invoke setuiid
call on tab.
after adding tabs invoke settabuiid(null)
disable behavior.
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