javascript - How to make all my onclick event clickable in ios browser? -

i using html5/jquerymobile create web page.and know onclick function in not work on ios device can change onclick event accessible tap?so can tap on ios device browser.

this work on uniqueid create.

  $("#button").tap(function(e) {     e.preventdefault();     alert("test"); }); 

i want onclick event tap.any idea?

the below code catch tap events on document.

$(document).on('tap', function () {  $('<p>tap</p>').appendto('#content'); // example }); 

this works on ios browsers desktop browsers (tested).

<div data-role="page" id="page">  <div data-role="header">   <h1>header</h1>  </div>  <div data-role="content" id="content">tap events</div>   <div data-role="footer">   <h4>footer</h4>  </div> </div> 


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