php - Highcharts 3.0 version changes in exporting options? -
i glad highcharts has released updated 3.0 version
and fixed many bugs in highcharts 3.0 confused highhcharts exporting options had worked on earlier , working till last week.
this working fiddle
as people familiar highcharts aware of earlier exporting options .
what has happened
i allowing option download images , title visible in exported images.
i don't want show other default options.
how configure export options used chart title images used earlier please refer fiddle.
the old print button place coming undefined or time logic export chart loads in button seems buggy export chart code..
has solved or me solve questions?
thanks - appreciated :)
well please see current workaround below has got working 3.0 ?
as you'll see, exportbutton , printbutton removed, , replaced generic contextbutton. can use 1 dropdown menu:
see new article @
edit: here's updated fiddle:
exporting: { filename: 'sfasfasfa', buttons: { contextbutton: { menuitems: [{ text: 'export chart', onclick: function () { this.exportchart({}, { title: { text: 'sfasfasfa', style: { width: '450px' } } }); } }] } } }
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