javascript - Retrieving child directive scope from parent through element.find -
i can't use "require" because have directive can have many different parents cannot predict be. need in each parent able retrieve controller or scope of child directive , invoque method disable button. have plunker shows problem.
.directive('parent', function($compile, $rootscope) { return { restrict: 'e', scope: {}, templateurl: 'parent.html', link: postlinkfunction }; function postlinkfunction(scope, element, attributes) { var directive = element.find('child'); var directivescope = directive.isolatescope(); console.log(directivescope); } }) .directive('anotherparent', function() { return { restrict: 'e', scope: {}, templateurl: 'parent.html', link: postlinkfunction }; function postlinkfunction(scope, element, attributes) { var directive = element.find('child'); var directivescope = directive.isolatescope(); console.log(directivescope); } }) .directive('child', function() { return { restrict: 'e', scope: {}, controller: function($scope, $element) { var vm = this; $scope.isdisabled = false; $scope.disablemenu = function () { $scope.isdisabled = true; }; $scope.number = 1; }, templateurl: 'child.html' }; });
the isolatescope empty if have populated it, child directive has have isolate scope can't share scope parent, , said can't use require. in theory element.find way hacky easy implement can't make work. appreciated, in advance!.
your parent module should comunicate childs through variables in isolated scope this:
app.directive("testdir", function() { var directive = { restrict: "a", template: "<div><input value='testbutton' type='button' data-ng-disabled='isdisabled'></div>", scope: { isdisabled: "=isdisabled" } }; return directive; });
here's working demo
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