symfony - How to redirect after create action in SF2 controller -

here action not working properly, entity created i'm rendering aileronsfrontendbundle:default:observation.html.twig

as code shows, createaction should render home template, template rendering not one.

 /**  * creates new observation entity.  *  * @route("/observation/new", name="observation_create")  * @method("post")  * @template("aileronsfrontendbundle:default:observation.html.twig")  */ public function createaction(request $request) {     $entity = new observation();     $form = $this->createform(new observationtype(), $entity);     $form->bind($request);       if ($form->isvalid()) {         $entity->getobservator()->setip($request->getclientip());         $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();         $em->persist($entity);         $em->flush();          $msg = array(             'type'=>'success',             'title'=>'merci !',             'text'=>'votre observation à bien été enregistré, merci pour votre participation !',         );         $this->redirect($this->generateurl('home', array('msg'=>$msg)));     }      return array(         'entity' => $entity,         'form' => $form->createview(),     ); 

insted of redirect i've tried this:

$this->render('aileronsfrontendbundle:default:index.html.twig', array('msg'=>$msg)); 

it not working too.

here index action

/**  * @route("/", name="home")  * @template()  */ public function indexaction() {     return array(); } 

you need return redirect.

return $this->redirect($this->generateurl('home', array('msg'=>$msg))); 

an action needs return response object. example returning rendered twig file:

return $this->render('acmetestbundle:test:test.html.twig', array()); 


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