html - Hide dynamic div when overflow -
basically have div list divs contains images , texts
<div id='item-list' style="height: 700px; overflow: hidden"> <div id='item-1' style="overflow: hidden"> *some images , texts* </div> <div id='item-2' style="overflow: hidden"> *some images , texts* </div> <div id='item-3' style="overflow: hidden"> *some images , texts* </div> ... </div>
my item-list has static height don't want change. item div added in dynamically whenever user creates item, newest items prepended top of list.
i want hide items whenever item list exceeds height of 700px. try use overflow hidden instead of hiding whole item div, crops item until height limit.
example: have 10 items icons , texts , list contents exceeds height, instead of hiding whole div of item-10, crops item-10 div can see icons not text.
what should if want hide whole of item-10? note every item has different height determined user keys in during item creation.
maybe jquery check heights of individual items. loop on of items , this:
var $totalheight = 0; if( $("#item-x").height() + $totalheight < 700) { $totalheight += $("#item-x").height(); $("#item-x").show(); } else { $("#item-x").hide(); }
essentially, want check height of individual items, , see if adding next item put on 700px. if won't, show item, otherwise, don't.
if wanted fancy, use jquery remove items <div>
put on height limit.
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