angularjs - Run project on Jhipster only shows "This is your footer" -

i have read question jhipster display "this footer" only. referenceerror: angular not defined . answer on question not me. when have run jhipster project - window browser showed text "this footer". screen browser: enter image description here

node version: v4.2.6

npm version: 3.5.3

this bower.json:

    {     "name": "tanga",     "version": "0.0.0",     "apppath": "src/main/webapp",     "testpath": "src/test/javascript/spec",     "dependencies": {         "angular": "1.4.8",         "angular-aria": "1.4.8",         "angular-bootstrap": "0.14.3",         "angular-cache-buster": "0.4.3",         "angular-cookies": "1.4.8",         "angular-dynamic-locale": "0.1.28",         "angular-i18n": "1.4.8",         "angular-local-storage": "0.2.3",         "angular-loading-bar": "0.8.0",         "angular-resource": "1.4.8",         "angular-sanitize": "1.4.8",         "angular-translate": "2.8.1",         "angular-translate-interpolation-messageformat": "2.8.1",         "angular-translate-loader-partial": "2.8.1",         "angular-translate-storage-cookie": "2.8.1",         "angular-ui-router": "0.2.15",         "bootstrap": "3.3.5",         "jquery": "2.1.4",         "json3": "3.3.2",         "modernizr": "3.2.0",         "ng-file-upload": "10.0.2",         "nginfinitescroll": "1.2.1",         "swagger-ui": "2.1.3"     },     "devdependencies": {         "angular-mocks": "1.4.8",         "angular-scenario": "1.4.8"     },     "overrides": {         "bootstrap": {             "main": [                 "dist/js/bootstrap.js",                 "dist/css/bootstrap.css",                 "less/bootstrap.less"             ]         }     },     "resolutions": {         "angular": "1.4.8",         "angular-cookies": "1.4.8",         "jquery": "2.1.4"     } } 

how fix problem?

you had error (probably network issue) when generating application.

as written in last message when generate application, please run npm install , bower install again.


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