osx - Set imported certificate to always be trusted in Mac OS X -
i have generated certificate in pfx format in mac os x , imported system keychain using:
sudo security import server.pfx -k /library/keychains/system.keychain -p foobar
the problem trusts set no value specified
how can set trust code signing always trust
using command line.
the -p
option may need. can specified more once each of settings. wish knew how deny 1 specific item while trusting in same line.
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustroot -p [option] -k /library/keychains/system.keychain <certificate>
-p options ssl, smime, codesign, ipsec, ichat, basic, swupdate, pkgsign, pkinitclient, pkinitserver, timestamping, eap
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