http - How to create a new content in Google Sites by sending a POST request using Android or Curl? -

currently, working on creating android app read , create google sites content. seems java api doesn't work android, use google protocol can content on google site request have no idea how send post request create content beside on google api guide. hope me this. need how send request in curl. thanks!

you can try curl command this:

curl -h "content-type: your-content-type" -x post -d 'your-data' https://localhost:8080/api/login 

and post data using httpurlconnection class use following:

httpurlconnection connection = null;       try {       //create connection       url = new url(targeturl);       connection = (httpurlconnection)url.openconnection();       connection.setrequestmethod("post");       connection.setrequestproperty("content-type",             "your-content-type");//set required content type        connection.setrequestproperty("content-length", "" +                 data.getbytes().length);//set content-length header using data length in bytes       connection.setrequestproperty("content-language", "en-us");           connection.setdoinput(true);       connection.setdooutput(true);        //send request       dataoutputstream wr = new dataoutputstream (                   connection.getoutputstream ());       wr.writebytes (data);//write data o/p stream       wr.flush ();       wr.close ();        //get response           inputstream = connection.getinputstream();       bufferedreader rd = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(is));       string line;       stringbuffer response = new stringbuffer();        while((line = rd.readline()) != null) {         response.append(line);         response.append('\r');       }       rd.close();       return response.tostring();      } catch (exception e) {      } {       if(connection != null) {         connection.disconnect();        }     } 


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