Create pivot table without the base table in Epplus (C#) -
can possibility create excel document without placed inside spreedsheet base table? or @ least base table in other worksheet pivot table.
currently create datacolumn, after add row and...
excelworksheet worksheet = pkg.workbook.worksheets.add("table"); worksheet.cells["a1"].loadfromdatatable(table, true); var pivottable = worksheet.pivottables.add(worksheet.cells["h14"], worksheet.cells[rangepivottable], "pivtable"); pivottable.rowfields.add(pivottable.fields["grid"]); . . .
it seems epplus pivottable can created data present in workbook; have place source table spreadsheet.
good news can have pivot table , base table in different worksheets:
var wspvt = pkg.workbook.worksheets.add( "pivot table" ); var wsdata = pkg.workbook.worksheets.add( "source data" ); var rangepivottable = wsdata.cells["a1"].loadfromdatatable( tbl, true ); var pivottable = wspvt.pivottables.add( ws.cells[1,1], rangepivottable, "pvttable");
i assume don't want place base table spreadsheet because either rather big or contain sensitive details. in case may aggregate base table c# code (group columns used pivot table rows , columns) , use grouped result base table excel pivot table. aggregation may performed pivotdata library -- let me know if you're interested in way , need more explanations (i'm author of library).
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