shell - MySQL INTO OUTFILE issue with new lines in content -
i'm exporting database report shell file. if run query in phpmyadmin file comes out fine, new lines @ end of each row in database only.
however when run query in shell script using outfile generate file /n, /r , /r/n in of columns content. can't work out causes or how avoid it.
the issue seems caused in colour column third in example export.
mysql $mysqlopts << eofmysql select product_name, item_size, item_colour, item_price, current_stock, item_price * current_stock stock_value items order product_name outfile '$file' fields terminated ',' optionally enclosed '"' lines terminated '\n' eofmysql
example result:
"scarf_in_peach","one size","12/04-b2b2 ",10.00,3,30.00 "scarf_in_pink","one size ","11/06-odds-c1c12100",10.00,0,0.00 "scarf_in_red","one size ","11/06-b7b2-c1c12100",10.00,0,0.00 "scarf_in_sand_","one size","11/06-b1i3-c1c12100 ",10.00,0,0.00 "scarf_in_sand_/_blue_flowers","one size","12/04-b2e2-c1c12100 ",10.00,4,40.00 "scarf_in_teal","one size","11/06-b5g1-c1c12100 ",10.00,0,0.00 "scarf_in_teal_/_red_flowers","one size","12/04 - b2b2 ",10.00,1,10.00 "sunrise_skinnies","16","odd-r1s009-1-blue",20.00,0,0.00 "sunrise_skinnies","8","odd-r1s009-1 blue",20.00,0,0.00
you have 2 options:
replace carriage return , line feed characters empty string within query. pro: characters filter out , fields. con: have create expression each affected field manually.
use fields escaped character option of
select ... outfile ...
fields escaped controls how write special characters. if fields escaped character not empty, used when necessary avoid ambiguity prefix precedes following characters on output:
the fields escaped character
the fields [optionally] enclosed character
the first character of fields terminated , lines terminated values
ascii nul (the zero-valued byte; written following escape character ascii “0”, not zero-valued byte)
the fields terminated by, enclosed by, escaped by, or lines terminated characters must escaped can read file in reliably. ascii nul escaped make easier view pagers.
pro: fast , standard approach, can apply export functionality using approach. con: less flexible. example, if lines terminated option set \n
, \r
not going escaped, can still cause issues on systems.
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