for loop - Why does my PHP code doesn't work anymore for no reason? -
i have loop in code. haven't changed on part of code 5-6 days , never had problems it.
since yesterday tried reload code , allways gives me error:
maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded - in logcontroller.php line 270
well can't explain why maybe of on it.
this code around line 270.
$topten_sites = []; ($i = 0; $i <= count($sites_array); $i++) { if ($i < 10) { // 270 $topten_sites[] = $sites_array[$i]; } } $topten_sites = collect($topten_sites)->sortbydesc('number')->all();
as said, worked perfectly, why gives me error? if uncomment these lines , every other line contains $topten_sites array, code workes again.
this looks wrong:
($i = 0; $i <= $sites_array; $i++) { if ($i < 10) { // 270 $topten_sites[] = $sites_array[$i]; } }
if $sites_array
array, makes no sense compare integer have never-ending loop.
if need first 10 elements in array, can replace loop with:
$topten_sites = array_slice($sites_array, 0, 10);
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