excel - VBA Copy list of years in column up to keyword -
i'm trying create feedback sheet on excel, new vba.
i have column populated years (2014...2015 etc..) starting in cell a4 (sheet 1) continuing until cell containing "grand total"
i copy of years "grand total" cell in column sheet 2, bearing in mind year values , row locations changing...i new list on sheet 2 not include empty rows present between years on sheet 1.
any tips?
cheers, matt
give try:
sub getinfo() dim counter integer, lastrow integer counter = 1 lastrow = cells.find(what:="grand total", after:=[a4], searchorder:=xlbyrows, searchdirection:=xlprevious).row = 4 lastrow if cells(counter, 1).value < lastrow counter = counter + 1 end if next range("a4:a" & counter + 1).copy destination:=sheets("sheet2").columns(1) sheets("sheet2").activate = 1 lastrow if cells(i, 1).value = "" cells(i, 1).delete end if next end sub
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