ibm bluemix - Unable to Populate Cloudant database for IBM Physio app -
i'm trying follow steps mentioned here run physio app:
i can't perform step no. 5 successfully. says there supply url , password. url got after adding new database in cloudant (service credentials) contains form of usrname:passwrd@host, if pass is, error: name or password incorrect (it doesn't make sense pass along -p param indicating password). when trying pass url host server_admin access required request.
any thoughts?
also, couldn't find under service credentials value for: cloudant_account. in advance help, eyal
it seems getting started document linked in question severely outdated. have contacted team in charge sort out.
meanwhile, here updated steps:
- create cloudant instance in bluemix
- launch cloudant 'console'
- create database
- copy code here: file named "".
- add file path
run below command line window: -d [value of host service credentials screen in bluemix] -p [password value service crendetials screen in bluemix] -u healthcare_db.json
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