angularjs - How do i change the angular material md-primary button text color? -
basically cant life of me figure out how set text color of buttons using angular material , else using md-primary background color.
the code using create theme
var customprimary = { '50': '#7de3cf', '100': '#69dec8', '200': '#54dac0', '300': '#3fd5b8', '400': '#2dceaf', '500': '#28b99d', '600': '#23a48b', '700': '#1f8f79', '800': '#1a7a68', '900': '#166556', 'a100': '#92e8d7', 'a200': '#a7ecdf', 'a400': '#bcf1e7', 'a700': '#115044' }; $mdthemingprovider .definepalette('customprimary', customprimary); $mdthemingprovider.theme('buttons') .primarypalette('customaccent');
however no matter try can text colour #fff
unless use css , !important
i'd avoid, means overriding several selectors.
from docs:
angular.module('myapp', ['ngmaterial']) .config(function($mdthemingprovider) { $mdthemingprovider.definepalette('amazingpalettename', { '50': 'ffebee', ... 'a700': 'd50000', 'contrastdefaultcolor': 'light', // whether, default, text (contrast) // on palette should dark or light 'contrastdarkcolors': ['50', '100', //hues contrast should 'dark' default '200', '300', '400', 'a100'], 'contrastlightcolors': undefined // specify if default 'dark' }); $mdthemingprovider.theme('default') .primarypalette('amazingpalettename') });
the important thing here contrastdarkcolors
. "contrast" color text (or icon) color shows on buttons.
i'm guessing you'll want like
'contrastdefaultcolor': 'light', 'contrastdarkcolors': ['50', '100', '200', '300', 'a100', 'a400']
edit: if reason wanted color on button, creating class has !important fine, e.g.
.md-button.cyan-text { color: cyan !important; }
<md-button class="md-primary md-raised cyan-text">hello world</md-button>
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