c# - Email sent through localhost but not sent when I try to send from my Server -

email sent through localhost not sent when try send server.

what do.

note : use port 25 , host : mail.mydomain.com.

failure sending mail.

could me please?

i have used code:

public static string sendmail(string host , string , string pass , int port , string pto, string subject, string body, string attach)     {         string host = host;         string receiveremailaddres = pto;         string senderemailaddresss = from;         string senderemailpassword = pass;          smtpclient mymail = new smtpclient();          mailmessage mymsg = new mailmessage();          mymail.host = host;          mymail.port = port;         mymsg.to.add(new mailaddress(receiveremailaddres));         mymsg.subject = subject;          if (attach != string.empty)         {             attachment data = new attachment(attach);             mymsg.attachments.add(data);         }          mymsg.isbodyhtml = true;         mymsg.from = new mailaddress(senderemailaddresss);          mymsg.body = body;           mymail.usedefaultcredentials = false;         networkcredential mycredentials = new networkcredential(senderemailaddresss, senderemailpassword);         mymail.credentials = mycredentials;          try         {             mymail.send(mymsg);             return "ok";         }         catch(exception ex)         {             return ex.message;         }     } 

check firewall configurations if blocking outgoing connection port 25 (used send e-mails). due lack of 50 rep points not able first comment , ask if tried or firewall configuration looks like. if want receive emails should check if firewall blocking incoming connection port 110 (pop3) or 143 (imap4, no tls) / 993 (imap4, tls).


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