jenkins - Karma junitReporter.outputFile is empty -

i'm configuring karma work jenkins ci described here.

my junitreporter.outputfile, test-results.xml, empty.

per docs (linked above) please note test-results.xml files written subdirectories named after browsers tests run in inside present working directory (and need tell jenkins find them).

i'm using phantomjs run tests. not see subdirectories named after phantomjs.

any ideas?

i ended adding karma-junit-reporter plugins in karma.conf.js file , started working, so:

// plugins enable plugins: [   "karma-phantomjs-launcher",   "karma-jasmine",   "karma-junit-reporter" ],  // continuous integration mode // if true, capture browsers, run tests , exit singlerun: true, reporters: ['progress', 'junit'], // default configuration junitreporter: {   outputdir: 'test', // results saved $outputdir/$browsername.xml   outputfile: 'test-results.xml', // if included, results saved $outputdir/$browsername/$outputfile   suite: '', // suite become package name attribute in xml testsuite element   usebrowsername: true // add browser name report , classes names }, 


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