java - Spark JDBC SQLException -

i keep getting sqlexception suspect not problem. table :

create table person (first varchar(30) default null, last varchar(30)      default null, gender char(1) default null, age tinyint(4) default null); 

insert statements:

insert person values('barack','obama','m',54); insert person values('hillary','clinton','f',34); 

spark code:

public static void main(string[] args) {         sparkconf conf = new sparkconf().setappname("stackoverflow")                             .setmaster("local[4]");         javasparkcontext sc = new javasparkcontext(conf);         sqlcontext sqlcontext = new sqlcontext(sc);         map<string, string> options = new hashmap<>();         options.put("url", "jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/persondb");         options.put("user", "user");         options.put("password", "password333");         options.put("dbtable", "(select * person gender = 'm') someone");          dataframe jdbcdf ="jdbc"). options(options).load();; 


exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sparkexception: job aborted due stage failure: task 0 in stage 0.0 failed 1 times, recent failure: lost task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (tid 0, localhost): java.sql.sqlexception: out of range value column 'age' : value age not in integer range 

i tried changing table stmt(@jmj):

create table person (first varchar(30) default null, last varchar(30)      default null, gender char(1) default null, age int default null); 

then worked queries giving:

caused by: java.sql.sqlexception: out of range value column 'age' : value age not in integer range 

the source of problem use of tinyint(4) storage age.

change type int insead tinyint(4).

to understand why check post.

hope helps.


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