javascript - How to hold floating topbar when scrolling down the page? -

hi want have floating topbar on top of page , visiable if scroll down page. tried achieve using following code reason doesn't work! after trying troubleshoot noticed $(document).ready(function() never becomes true! guys me wrong here ?

floating topbar:

<div class="flyingtopbar">     <div class="globalnav">           <div class="content">         <span class="line"></span>          <a class="active" href="/" title="home">home</a>         <span class="line"></span>         <a  href="/link1.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>         <a  href="/link2.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>         <a  href="/link3.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>         <a  href="/link4.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>            <a  href="/link5.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>         <a  href="/link6.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>          <a  href="/link7.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>             <a  href="/link8.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>         <a href="/link9.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>         <a href="/link10.html" title="link">link</a>         <span class="line"></span>         <div class="bottomfix"></div>       </div>     </div>     </div>  

javascript hold floating tobar on top while scrolling down:

<script type="text/javascript">   /*<![cdata[*/      alert('start');        var $flying_bar = $('div.flyingtopbar');       var amount_scrolled;       var initial_top_position =0;       var actual_top_position;           $(document).ready(function() {         updatecurrentposition();         alert('visable topbar1');         $flying_bar.css('visibility','visible');          alert('visable topbar2');          $(window).bind('scroll', updatecurrentposition);         })        function updatecurrentposition() {         amount_scrolled = $window.scrolltop();         if (amount_scrolled < 0) amount_scrolled = 0;  //not tested ipad reversed scroll fix         if (amount_scrolled < initial_top_position) {           actual_top_position = initial_top_position - amount_scrolled;           $flying_bar.css({'top':actual_top_position + 'px'});         } else {           $flying_bar.css({'top':'0px'});         }       }        headertickerinit('div.reporttitleticker');      if( $('#scrollpollsection').length > 0 ) {       $('#sidenavpolls').show(0);     }   /*]]>*/   </script> 

part of css:

.flyingtopbar {z-index:20; position:fixed; top:120px; left:0px; width:100%; visibility:hidden;} /* <- top updated js */  

add flyingtopbar class, there no need of using javascript in such cases :-

. flyingtopbar { position : fixed; top: 0px; width:100%; z-index:20; } 

to read more fixed positioning, go through :

i hope helps. :-) cheers!


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