How to made Spring Security to redirect to specified path after Authentation -
its first attempt spring security, final solution question may easy. so... have index page, has sign in form:
<form name="loginform" action="login.html" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td><@spring.message "" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="email" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><@spring.message "form.password" /></td> <td><input type="password" name="password" /></td </tr> </table> <input type="submit" value="${signin}" /> </form> <form name="" action="createaccount.html"> <input type="submit" value="${register}" /> </form>
when im post request, handled controller. in controller retrieve useraccount data db , pass page called "account.html".
this controller method posted below:
@requestmapping(value = "/login", method = public string loguseraccount(@requestparam(value = "email", required = false) string email, @requestparam(value = "password", required = false) string password, redirectattributes redirect) { try { useraccount useraccount = useraccountservice.signin(email, password); redirect.addflashattribute("useraccount", useraccount); return "redirect:account.html"; } catch (invalidcreditnailsexception e) { return redirectcontroller.redirect_to_index_view; } }
and next controller method, put user account data model , render account.html page:
@requestmapping(value = "/account", method = requestmethod.get) public string accountwindow(@modelattribute("useraccount") useraccount useraccount, model model){ model.addattribute("useraccount", useraccount); return "account"; }
now, want secure account.html page, preventing non authorized users go directly /account.html page. configuration of spring security not correct. looks this:
<security:http> <security:intercept-url pattern="/account**" access="role_user" /> <security:form-login login-page="/index.html" login-processing-url="/login.html" default-target-url="/account.html" username-parameter="email" password-parameter="password" /> <security:logout /> </security:http> <security:authentication-manager> <security:authentication-provider> <security:user-service> <security:user name="" password="qwerty" authorities="role_user"/> </security:user-service> </security:authentication-provider> </security:authentication-manager>
what actually? when im trying access /account.html directly redirect me index.html have sign in form. thats fine. when im log in spring security redirect me directly /account.html page, instead of sending /login.html request login controller retrieve user data.
how set this> ideas? maybe approach not correct? want index , register page available guests. rest of page logged users.
thank help.
sounds need user account current context because logged in. example: log in, close browser, open new browser window, , navigation /account.html. should still able reach /account.html because have active session on server.
you may want consider doing following in accountcontroller:
retrieve authenticated user:
authentication auth = securitycontextholder().getcontext().getauthentication();
get user's username:
string username = auth.getname();
get user's account object:
useraccount useraccount = userservice.getaccount(username);
alternatively, can add principal argument accountcontroller automatically inject principal.
@requestmapping(value = "/account", method = requestmethod.get) public string accountwindow(model model, principal principal){ useraccount useraccount = userservice.getaccount(principal.getname()); model.addattribute("useraccount", useraccount); return "account"; }
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